I'm writing this even though I am so tired, am having trouble eating, sleeping, and walking. Since I'm also having trouble focusing, my husband has volunteered to see what I have typed with my eyes closed and fix it for me. Why am I even trying to write when my health is going down so quickly? I am doing this, making this effort for those who despair, who feel overwhelmed and discouraged. So many are so young and don't see the bright future that lies ahead of them.
So, how have I had hope and peace through 60+ years of health problems, chronic fatigue, pain, and now terminal ovarian cancer?
- Remember why I am Here on Earth - I'm here to learn and grow and become more like my Savior. I'm here to be tested. By trusting the Lord and keeping His commandments, I can qualify to enter the training program to become more like my Savior and live eternally in families with my Heavenly Father.
- See Adversities as Opportunities - Knowing my purpose here allows me to see the opportunities for growth that each experience in life presents. I am not wasting my time and energies feeling unloved because I am not getting whatever I want given to me without any effort on my part.
- Look for the Good - Each day I Look for all the ways that the Lord is sending help to me and letting me know I am loved. It may be a hot air balloon over my home or a favorite hymn at church, or a lovely sunset.
- Make the World a Better Place - Sometimes it is as simple as smiling at people when I'm being pushed in a wheelchair or sending a note of encouragement to a person who needs it, but every effort I make to help others also lifts my spirits.
- Strengthen my Spirit - If you want to run a marathon you have to spend many hours building your body to within stand the rigors of the contest. It is the same with the spirit. It must be strengthened and given the nourishment it needs to be able to face the strong winds of adversity that will come to everyone at some time. When I start to feel fearful or depressed, I know I need to strengthen my spirit, so I spend more time praying and studying the scriptures. Soon peace returns to my heart.
- Remember I am Never Alone - Through all the injuries, illness, disappointments, sorrows, and pains, the Lord has been with me. When I was having nightly panic attacks, He came and stayed with me. He gave me peace when I was in anaphylactic shock and now as I face death. He has given me a loving husband to help me, guidance to know what to do, and so many kind supportive people.
- Always Hope - There is always reason to hope. All works out for the best if you trust in the Lord. Through His great love and wisdom, He will give us what we truly need, not what we merely want. Am I still hopeful? of course! Now my hope is not based on healing my worn, failing body, but in looking forward to an exciting future with a strong, beautiful eternal body full of learning, serving, and family.
Leaving you love and hope that you find joy in life.
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