
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

We Must be Wise like King Solomon

We need to learn from King Solomon. Two women came to him both claiming to the mother of a baby, Solomon asked that a sword be brought and the baby be cut in two with each receiving half the dead body. The real mother pleaded that the baby not be destroyed. The other was willing to have the baby murdered.

Right now, we are being required to make a judgement between two people. Can we trust the declaration of a man who claims that scientists are lying for there isn't any global warming; that doctors and government leaders are just trying to control us by requiring that masks be worn during a pandemic; that news reporters are liars and are against him; that politicians and educated people can't be trusted; and that policemen, world leaders, and our own electoral process are corrupt. 

Only HE stands out as our "champion" to fight against all these "injustices" in the whole world. Only he is "trustworthy". This is a tactic which has been used by dictators throughout time. Hitler was a master of stirring up the people against "wrongs",  while promising that only he could to solve all their problems for them and make their country "great again".

Today, instead of conceding an election where both the popular and electoral college vote shows the other candidate as the winner, our President is appointing his people to posts in the Pentagon*. He is placing himself in a position to more directly control the military. 

Why would an supposedly outgoing President want to tighten his control over the military? I fear that he is willing to flame our country into a civil war, destroying our government, just to maintain his power. 

We must learn from Solomon. He tested the character of the women and gave the baby to the woman who loved it, not to the woman who would destroy the child.

* Please check out this information

Trump Pentagon Appointments

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